Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Flying Piggy Bank will NEVER stick it to you with high food prices

You're on a tight budget. We all are today.

And you know, like your mother's trading stamps of years ago, that supermarkets only on rare occasions give you something for almost nothing.

What I have done is started my own Gas Tank Piggy Bank.

With all the money I save at Bottom Dollar Food, I deposit the savings in my fuel fund.

When I need to fill-up, all I need to do is use that cash savings to fill up my car's gas tank.

So I don't have to buy more expensive items just to get gasoline savings.

See how it works.

If I spend $100 at Bottom Dollar Food, and then I spend the same $100 at store X for the same items, store X gives me 10 cents off discount for gas. If that same $100 at Bottom Dollar buys me in reality $115 at store x, and when I fill up my 12 gallon tank, my whopping savings is only $1.20. So with Bottom Dollar I actually cover the "gas savings" and have more than $10 leftover, which I can use for future gas purchases as well as non-grocery items like prescriptions. I don't have to shop at store x any more for gas "savings" My Bottom Dollar Food savings allow me to offset high gas pump prices every day and in every way.

The Flying Piggy Bank propels himself not with expensive flying pig fuel, but with a magical power source that allows him to spot savings for you in every aisle at every Bottom Dollar Food location. No hot air for him. Heck, with all the hot air in the atmosphere, we don't need any more hot air invading our lives.

Value and savings you can see are part of the Bottom Dollar Food advantage. They are just several of many reasons to shop where the Flying Piggy Bank calls home.

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