Saturday, September 1, 2012

Taking the Mystery Our of Grocery Shopping

I am a huge fan of the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series.

This tough bail bonds hunter has a messed up live, for sure. If you read Smokin Seventeen and Explosive Eighteen, you know what I mean.

She never has any food in her refrigerator. She is always mooching off her parents for food, for a place to stay, to borrow the big Blue and White Buick, a floating luxury tank from the 1950"s. Heck the savings alone shopping at Bottom Dollar Food would keep the gas tank full and ready to catch her bail bond skips.

I just have a hunch when the next installment appears in November, 2012, she's going to discover that she can have her peanut butter stocked in her pantry any time she craves for it by shopping her Bottom Dollar Food at 2735 S. Broad St., Trenton, NJ.

I don't think she will find her skip there since almost all of captures take place where something blows up.

One tool she has never used is a blimp.

If she shopped Bottom Dollar Food, may be she would figure out how valuable a Flying Piggy Bank could be to catch those bond skips.

Sure she could achieve a lot and make her life easier if she shopped Bottom Dollar Food. Her catch fees would go a lot further and she'd have food there for Morrelli when he stops by her apartment, invited or not.

And finally Ranger would think that his babe has finally gotten it all together.

Getting your life together by saving money is a great reason to shop Bottom Dollar Food. It's one of many.


  1. I adore the Stephanie Plum series! It is so dang funny.

    1. I do too. Can't wait for Naughty Nineteen due out in November, 2012
